【備忘録】FSSモードの設定とやり方|Elite: Dangerous Horizen【エリデン】

Elite Dangerous Hacks

PC、Steam版、Elite: Dangerous(エリデン|エリートデンジャラス)のFSSモードの入り方、設定方法、キーコンフィグなどのやり方と、FSSのスキャンそのもののやり方の備忘録です。最初にOPTIONからキーを設定しないとFSSモードに入ることも、出ることもできません。




OPTIONの「CONTROLS」より「MODE SWITCHES」を選びます。下にスクロールしていくと


「ENTER FSS MODE」という項目があるはずです。ここにあなたの好きなキーで、かつ、FSSに入る時に他の操作とかぶらないキーを設定しましょう。私は「B」にしました。


「ENTER FSS MODE」に「B」を当てたのは、FSSモードから出る時のデフォルトの設定が「Backspace」だったからです。分かりやすいかなって思って。













Pressing [MOUSE 2] will identify and analyse various signals from the system you are scanning. Once processed, these will be added to the filtered Signal Analysis bar towards the bottom of the screen.

[マウス2(右クリック)] すると、そのときあなたがいる星系のさまざまな信号を識別して分析します。処理が終わると、画面の下部にある解析バーに、信号解析結果が追加されます。


At this point you will also be presented with the system’s orbital plane. Many of the astronomical bodies you are looking for will be located on or near to this plane.



As you move around the system you will notice highlighted areas. These are signal fields. You can investigate these fields to locate the source of the signals shown in the filtered Signal Analysis bar.



You can use tune in to signals on the filtered Signal Analysis bar using the. Tuning into the correct region of the bar is essential when trying to locate the source of signal fields in the system. The more intense the signals you are looking for the further to the right of the bar you will tune. Larger objects such as gas giants have more intense signals, while smaller signals such as USSs are much less intense.



When tuning the filtered Signal Analysis, patterns will appear. These patterns represent the kind of signals that can be found in this region of the filtered Signal Analysis.



As you get closer to a signal field you will notice patterns on the FSS reticule. If you are not correctly tuned into a signal, these waveforms will appear scattered and random. If you are very far from the correct tuning area, these waveforms will not appear at all.



When tuned correctly, the pattern will match those appearing above the filtered Signal Analysis bar. It will also be symmetrical, and will point towards the origin of the signal.



When you get close enough to a signal, a circular marker will appear. If the marker is a dotted circle, you are not correctly tuned to the signal. Once tuned, pointing at this marker and pressing [MOUSE 1] will zoom in, which will, either locate the origin of the signal or, in more congested systems, will zoom in to a secondary level, allowing you to continue to search for the signal. This process can occasionally require zooming in multiple times. Your current zoom level is shown on the left of the screen. You can zoom out by pressing.




If two signals are close together, you can separate them by using stepped zoom. Use [L SHIFT] to step in and [L CTRL] to step out.

2つの信号が近接している場合、段階的ズームを使用してそれらを分離できます。 [L SHIFT]を使用してステップインし、[L CTRL]を使用してステップアウトします。(よぐわがらん。これはやったことない。)


Once you find the origin of the signal and zoom into it, you will be presented with additional information. You can target the signal by pressing [T]. To exit, zoom out by pressing.

信号の発信元を見つけてズームインすると、追加情報が表示されます。 [T]を押すと信号をターゲットにできます。 終了するには、ズームアウトします。完全に終了して飛行操作に戻りたければ[Backspace]を押します。







Elite Dangerous Hacks

Posted by Guardian