Abyssrium Christmas 2018「Unique Christmas Tree」Quest

This is the First Qest of Abyssrium Christmas 2018, so it is easy. You can get a lot of rewards from the beginning. Take picture of Rudolph Tan 5 times.Make 5 fish etc… . It is surely anyone can clear.
Quest “Unique Christmas Tree" Start!!
At the beginning you will get a signal to start the quest. It is pretty.
The first quest is so easy
30,000A and 3,000B candies, 50,000A hearts!! It is happy that 100 diamonds reward.
This is the “Snowflake Angel fish". It is beautiful and charming:)
Quest contents
Quest Details are as follows. Magic “White Christmas" can be tried free for 15 minutes your first time, so you will not lose 100 pearls.
- Make a snowflake angel fish
- Take a picture of Holly Angel
- Make 5 Fishes
- Take picture of “Rudolph Tan" 5 times during magic “White Christmas".
Let’s clear the first quest “Unique Christmas tree".