











Next to a vacpack, it’s a rancher’s best friend.


Favored By:(none)

About:The humble carrot was brought to the Far, Far Range because they’re easy to grow and nutritious. Most ranchers swear by them as they’re a handy portable snack, promote good night vision, and when juiced are second only to coffee as the perfect morning beverage.

On the Ranch: Deposit a carrot into a garden’s depositor and you’ll have a large carrot crop of your very own. This crop will last for several harvests.


Oca Oca




内容:料理の定番でおふくろの味にもなるオカオカは、元々少ししょっぱい野菜です。 いつでもおいしい「牧場のハッシュブラウン」の重要な成分として発見されてから、スライムのエネルギー源になっていると考えられています。



A tubular mix of colorful spuds.

Type: Veggie

Favored By: RadSlime

About: A staple of cooking on the range, the hearty oca Oca is a naturally salty, soft spud. As the key ingredient to the always tasty 'rancher’s hashbrowns’ they have likely been the fuel for a great deal of slime wrangling since their discovery on the range.

On the Ranch: Depositan Oca Oca into a garden’s depositor and you’ll have a large oca oca crop of your very own. This crop will last for several harvests.


Heart Beet




内容:ハートビートは、深みのある赤い色とハートのような形からその名前が付けられています。 ハートビートはとてもジューシーで、キッチンでは他にはない唯一の魅力的な野菜です。



If you listen to it closely, you can faintly hear a veggie.


Favored By: Rock Slime

About: Heart beets get their name from their deep, red color and heart-like shape. Heart beets are also unusually juicy for a beet, making it the only veggie that’s not for the squeamish in the kitchen.

On the Ranch: Deposit a heart beet into a garden’s depositor and you’ll have a large heart beet crop of your very own. This crop will last for several harvests.


Silver Parsnip







Like a carrot’s rich, sophisticated cousin. Also, it’s silver.

Type: Veggie

Favored By: Mosaic Slime

About: Despite their slightly metallic aftertaste, these shimmering root veggies are considered a delicacy by gourmands across the galaxy. On the Far, Far Range, ranchers often eat them during the holidays, to bring good fortune in the coming year.

On the Ranch: Deposit a silver parsnip into a garden’s depositor and you’ll have a large silver parsnip crop of your very own. This crop will last for several harvests.



Odd Onion







I wouldn’t trust this onion, even less so than a normal onion.

Type: Veggie

Favored By: Crystal Slime

About: Odd onions can only be foraged in the wild from the Indigo Quarry; however, you’ll never encounter an odd onion patch. Instead, odd onions can be found randomly in other veggie patches. As the saying goes, ‘forage in the Indigo Quarry and you’ll always find the odd onion in your haul.’

On the Ranch: Deposit an odd onion into a garden’s depositor and strangely, carrots will begin to grow. However, there is a good chance you’ll get some odd Onions in the crop as well. This crop will last for several harvests.










Very few ranchers will ever read this.

Type: Veggie

Favored By: Gold Slime

About: Curiously, gilded ginger cannot be replicated in a garden as its unusual biological properties prohibit it. However, there is perhaps another use for it.

On the Ranch: Said to be the holy grail of veggies, gilded ginger can very rarely be found growing in the Glass Desert. It is the only known food that a gold slime will eat, and the few that have seen it claim that doing so will greatly reward the lucky rancher.










The most common fruit found on the Range, and some say, the most delicious.

Type: Fruit

Favored By: (none)

About:Pogofruit are a common sight almost anywhere on the Far, Far Range. Tasting a bit like a peach, they’re most notable for having their trademark spots both on and under the skin.

On the Ranch:Deposit a pogofruit into a garden’s depositor and you’ll grow a large pogo fruit tree of your very own. This tree will last for several harvests.



Mint Mango







Intensely sweet with a cool, minty finish.


Favored By:Honey Slime

About:The mint mango is perhaps the sweetest fruit ever discovered. Its appearance is that of a mango, with a thicker, syrup-like juice, and a bright, minty aftertaste. It’s no wonder honey slimes seek them out or that they have such amazingly fresh breath.

On the Ranch:Deposit a mint mango into a garden’s depositor and you’ll grow a large mint mango tree of your very own. This tree will last for several harvests.





相性:ホタルスライム(Phosphor Slime)




Delicate, sweet, and they never roll off the table.


Favored By:Phosphor Slime

About:Due to their sweet taste and curious shape, cuberries were quick to become a favorite amongst the first ranchers on the range. They are often used in cakes and pies when celebrating special occasions, like birthdays or Plortapalooza.

On the Ranch: Deposit a cuberry into a garden’s depositor and you’ll grow a large Cuberry tree of your very own. This tree will last for several harvests.


Phase Lemon



相性:量子スライム(Quantum Slime)





Plucked from a tree rooted in the…past? Future? Or…?


Favored By:Quantum Slime

About: A phase lemon comes from a different place and time. They are like an echo, reverberating through the halls of the Ancient Ruins, never staying in the same place for long.

In order to harvest phase lemons a rancher must pass fruit matter through the phase lemon tree when lemons are present. This process somehow removes the fruit from our reality and phases in a lemon in exchange.

On the Ranch:Deposit a phase lemon into a garden’s depositor and you’ll grow a large phase lemon tree of your very own. This tree will last for several harvests.


Prickle Pear



相性:竜巻スライム(台風スライム・Dervish Slime)




This is a fruit that knows how to fight back.

Type: Fruit

Favored By: Dervish Slime

About: Prickle pears areas tough as the Glass Desert itself: having a thick, leathery skin and covered in sharp barbs, they’re an 'acquired taste’ to be sure. But those that put forth the (cautious) effort will find one of the sweetest fruits in the known universe hiding within.

On the Ranch: Deposit a prickle pear into a garden’s depositor and you’ll grow a large prickle pear tree of your very own. This tree will last for several harvests.












So little and soft you’d think they’re filled with marshmallow.

Type: Future Meat

Favored By: (not slime food)

About:Chickadoos are baby chickens that will eventually grow into a hen hen or more rarely, a roostro.

Chickadoos of all varieties will never be eaten by slimes. Some believe this is because slimes are too kind-hearted to do such a thing. Others believe it’s because chickadoos don’t yet have enough meat on their bones.

On the Ranch:Keep chickadoos in a safe place and they’ll eventually grow into a hen hen or roostro.


Hen Hen







A hearty chicken bred to be twice as tasty as its cousin on earth.

Type: Meat

Favored By: (none)

About:Hen hens are a special breed of chicken bred to survive the climate of the Far, Far Range. While appearing more or less like a big chicken, these burly birds are much more adept at fending for themselves, making them ideal for ranchers who might otherwise be distracted by a few hundred hungry slimes.

On the Ranch: Hen hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity makes them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown Chickens.










Struts his stuff like he’s king of the coop.


Favored By: Hunter Slime

About: Roostros are the alpha birds on the Far, Far Range and half of the equation required to breed chickens on the ranch. However, roostros are rarer than any hen making them a great find any time one is discovered.

To acquire a roostro, either find one out on the range or breed them on the ranch. Any type of chickadoo has a small chance of growing into a roostro. Some ranchers believe that these odds increase if you greet the Rooster King’s crow at sunrise with an enthusiastic 'good morning!"

On the Ranch: All hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity makes them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown chickens.


Stony Chickadoo







This little chick had quite a hard upbringing.

Type:Future Meat

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Stony chickadoos are baby chickens that will eventually grow into a stony hen or more rarely, a roostro. Chickadoos of all varieties will never be eaten by slimes.Some believe this is because slimes are too kind-hearted to do such a thing. Others believe it’s because chickadoos don’t yet have enough meat on their bones.

On the Ranch:Keep stony chickadoos in a safe place and they’ll eventually grow into a stonyhen or roostro.



Stony Hen



相性:ネコスライム(Tabby Slime)

内容:このニワトリは、かつて遠くの宇宙の山々に踏み込んだメンドリが進化したと考えられています。 おそらく、これらのニワトリは、不毛な岩だらけの世界でこの世の真理に辿り着いたのかもしれません。実際のところ、このニワトリの前世は迷子になっただけのようですが…。



Has a rock solid conviction… in chicken stuff.

Type: Meat

Favored By: Tabby Slime

About: Stony hens are thought to have evolved from hen hens who once trekked deep into the mountains of the Far, Far Range. Perhaps these birds were seeking a clarity of mind that one can only truly obtain through meditation amongst those lofty, barren crags. But most likely, they were just stupid and got lost.

On the Ranch: Stony hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce stony chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity makes them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown chickens.



Briar Chickadoo







A breed of chick that’s totally bush-league.

Type:Future Meat

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Briar chickadoos are baby chickens that will eventually grow into a briar hen or more rarely, a roostro.Chickadoos of all varieties will never be eaten by slimes. Some believe this is because slimes are too kind-hearted to do such a thing. Others believe it’s because chickadoos don’t yet have enough meat on their bones.

On the Ranch:Keep briar chickadoos in a safe place and they’ll eventually grow into a briar hen or roostro.


Briar Hen







A real wild bird that loves to ramble in the bramble.

Type: Meat

Favored By: Boom Slime

About: Briar hens are a chicken variant born from the wild thickets of the Far, Far Range. They were first discovered long ago by an explorer who noted that they seemed to have a complex tribal structure, and a fascinating series of chicken customs.

He even may have joined the briar tribe as an honorary chicken himself. His records end there however, and we know nothing else about him or his findings. Oh, but his name was Carl. We know that.

On the Ranch: Briar hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce briar chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity makes them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown chickens.



Painted Chickadoo







A tiny chick that’s hiding a bounty of colorful potential.

Type: Future Meat

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Painted chickadoos are baby chickens that will eventually grow into a painted hen or more rarely, a roostro.Chickadoos of all varieties will never be eaten by slimes. Some believe this is because slimes are too kind-hearted to do such a thing. Others believe it’s because chickadoos don’t yet have enough meat on their bones.

On the Ranch: Keep painted chickadoos in a safe place and they’ll eventually grow into a painted hen or roostro.


Painted Hen



相性:サボテンスライム(Tangle Slime)




Some believe it’s what lies at the end of the rainbow. Totally disappointing.

Type: Meat

Favored By:tangle Slime

About: Painted hens are the colorful chicken variants found in the Glass Desert. It is unknown what caused their rainbow-like plumage to occur. One theory suggests their colors area biological mimicry of the prismatic glass found within the desert, while another theory states that their wild colors made them the dominant mates of the Cluck Kingdoms and were thus banished to the desert by a coalition of jealous chickens who couldn’t compete with these fashionable fouls.

But the latter theory is only actually believed by one very strange person, so we’re not sure why it would have been included here.


On the Ranch:Painted hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce painted chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity makes them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown chickens.


Elder Hen







An old bird whose egg-laying days are over, easу.

Type: Meat

Favored By: (none)

About: Elder hens have lived a full-feathered life. They’ve met the roostro of their dreams, seen their little chickadoos grow up, and are ready to start the next chapter of their chicken lives. In all likelihood this will include getting the names of countless books, movies and actors wrong. But don’t blame them for that. They’re chickens for goodness sake.

On the Ranch:An elder hen can no longer lay eggs and serves no other purpose than becoming a slightly tough chicken dinner.


Elder Roostro







Shakes his tail feathers and no one cares.

Type: Meat

Favored By: (none)

About: Elder roostros are the senior-aged roostros who have retired from the otherwise bustling life of their younger counterparts. “Young roostros crow too much, they move too fast, and frankly have no respect for their elders,’ an elder roostro might say of youths; as they make a gross, smacking sound with their lips. Though this is of course impossible, as roostros do not have lips.

On the Ranch: An elder roostro can no longer sire chickadoos and serves no other purpose than becoming a slightly tough chicken dinner.






Primordy Oil








This stuff is pre-pre-prehistoric.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Primordy oil is a common resource obtained with a pump. Found deep below the surface of the Far, Far Range, primordy oil is an ancient substance containing a wide array of organic Compounds, making it perfect as a base for many Slime Science creations.

On the Ranch: Deposit primordy oil into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Deep Brine









Salt of the earth kind of stuff.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Deep brine is a common resource exclusive to the Dry Reef, obtained with a pump.

Not safe for drinking, deep brine is thought to be water from the Slime Sea that has been filtered by the subterranean coral of the Dry Reef. It is significantly denser than freshwater and loaded with salt.

On the Ranch: Deposit deep brine into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Spiral Steam







If you search for it, you’ll find something wonderful.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Spiral steam is an uncommon resource obtained with a pump.Found in highly pressurized vacuums of rock below the surface, spiral steam exhibits a curious behavior when released into the atmosphere, swirling into a series of dancing spirals before dissipating. It is valued for the countless micro-particles found within the steam itself.

On the Ranch: Deposit spiral steam into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Lava Dust








A survey on the state of this matter answered ‘undecided.’

Type:Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Lava dust is a rare resource obtained with a pump.Neither a solid or a liquid, lava dust seems to be something in between, having the characteristics of both. It is believed to be a mixture of magma and slime, though this has never been proven. And despite its name, lava dust is only warm to the touch.

On the Ranch: Deposit lava dust into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Silky Sand









The finest, smoothest sand you’ll ever see. Rubbish for sand Castles.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Silky sand is a common resource exclusive to the Glass Desert, obtained with a pump.

Though the Glass Desert is covered with sand, silky sand found deep below the surface is so smooth and pure it almost feels like water. These qualities make it very useful in gadget fabrication.

On the Ranch: Deposit silky sand into the Lab’s Refinery where they can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Buzz Wax








Can be used to make a great scented candle if you enjoy the smell of bee abdominal glands.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About:Buzz wax is a common resource obtained with an apiary. Just like bees on Earth, bees on the Far, Far Range produce a waxy substance that they use to form their hives. Buzz wax is the still malleable deposits of unused wax found in apiaries. It has many practical uses ranging from building materials to medicines. You can also chew it as the worst gum in the world.

On the Ranch: Deposit buzz wax into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Wild Honey








Tastes great in tea or in shameful handfuls when no one is looking.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Wild honey is a common resource exclusive to the Moss Blanket, obtained with an apiary. All the rich pollens and sweet nectars found in the forests of the Moss Blanket combine in a beautiful alchemy to form some of the most delicious honey in the galaxy. Wild honey is a staple of rancher life; a dollop of it makes just about any food taste better, and it provides a natural boost of energy to get through a tough day of wrangling slimes.

On the Ranch: Deposit wild honey into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Pepper Jam








Sweet, spicy, and delicious Bees are awesome.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Pepper jam is a common resource exclusive to the Glass Desert, obtained with an apiary.

Pepper jam is a strange substance found only in beehives of bees obtaining pollen from the flowers of a spicy pepper plant found somewhere in the desert. Regardless of its origin, pepper jam gives an otherwise boring, old toast experience a real kick!

On the Ranch: Deposit pepper jam into the Lab’s Refinery where they can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.










Bee stuff and geometry, the chocolate and peanut butter of nature.

Type:Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Hexacomb is an un common resource obtained with an аріагу. Hexacomb is the result of bees arranging buzz wax into complex patterns to store their honey and eggs. Why the hexagonal shape? Bees understand that the hexagon is the shape of the future. Bees were Sci-Fi before it was cool.

On the Ranch: Deposit hexacomb into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Royal Jelly




内容:ロイヤルゼリーは、ハチミツから得られレア資源です。遠い宇宙で見つかるローヤルゼリーは、他の品種と比べてものすごく甘いので特別です。これは、ミツバチがハニースライムから小さなスライム粒子を集めて加工されたものだからだと考えられています。 スライム牧場経営者は、相当ラッキーでないと、このロイヤルゼリーを入手できません。




The king of all Jellies… that is, until you meet the queen.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Royal jelly is a rare resource obtained with an apiary. The royal jelly found in the hives across the Far, Far Range is special as it is unnaturally sweet compared to other varieties. It’s believed that this is a result of bees collecting small deposits of slime from honey slimes and working it into their royal jelly mixture. If a rancher is lucky enough to acquire some, they’ll find its unique properties are very valuable in certain Slime Science endeavors.

On the Ranch: Deposit royal jelly into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Jelly Stone




内容:ゼリーストーンは、掘削機から得られる一般的な資源です。 ゼリーストーンはミネラルとスライムの半硬化した混合物です。その柔らかい質感のため、彫刻家にとっては役立つ石です。




It’s both solid and squishy at the same time.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Jellystone is a common resource obtained with a drill. Jellystone is a semi-hardened mixture of minerals and slime, possibly resulting from plorts sinking back into the earth below. Because of its softer texture, it’s a favorite stone for sculptors.

On the Ranch: Deposit jelly stone into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.










Heavy metal experts often call this hard rock 'deep purple.’


Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Indigonium is a common resource exclusive to the Indigo Quarry, obtained with a drill.Indigonium is the ore that gives the Indigo Quarry its name. There’s a little indigonium found in every inch of the quarry, but the pure store is only found deep underground.

On the Ranch: Deposit indigonium into the Lab’s Refinery where it can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.



Glass Shard









A solid fragment of frozen fire.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Glass shards are a common resource exclusive to the Glass Desert, obtained with a drill.

The glass shards found in the desert are small fragments of the monolithic structures that COver its dunes and cliffs. These structures are believed to be the cause of the dangerous solar anomalies that scorch the landscape, so using a drill to collect these shards is a much safer means of Collecting samples of the glass.

On the Ranch: Deposit glass shards into the Lab’s Refinery where they can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Strange Diamond




内容:奇妙なダイヤモンドは、ドリルで得られる珍しい資源です。 暗闇の中でも明るい場所でも、これらのダイヤモンドは光を発しているように輝きます。奇妙なダイヤモンドは、さまざまなワープ技術プロセスに必要な要素です。緻密で複雑な組成をしているため、奇妙なダイヤモンドは光を内部に押さえ込んで発光するのです。




Very strange, but even more valuable.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Strange diamonds are a rare resource obtained with a drill. Even in the dark, these diamonds seem to shine as if light is passing through them. Strange diamonds are highly valued for their use in a variety of warp tech processes. Being almost impossibly dense and intricate in their composition, a strange diamond can reflect light within itself.so profoundly that it actually bends time.

On the Ranch: Deposit strange diamonds into the Lab’s Refinery where they can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.


Slime Fossil








If history could smile, it would look like this.

Type: Slime Science Material

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Slime fossils are an uncommon resource obtained with a drill. Prized for the ancient minerals they contain, slime fossils are like nature capturing a moment in time. Specifically, that moment seems to be when a great avalanche or mudslide occurred and a slime was totally cool with it.

On the Ranch: Deposit slime fossils into the Lab’s Refinery where they can then be used for fabricating Slime Science gadgets.






内容:古代遺跡の壁の中に、小さなエネルギーの痕跡から見つかったもので、色んな場所に出現します。エコーと呼ばれ、何らかの古代の出来事から生じた現象の一つと信じられています。 この光は無害なので、しばしばスライム牧場の飾りとして使用されます。エコーは、古代遺跡のすみっこや隙間にあり、遺跡での掘削からも入手できます。




A mote of light, or perhaps, a memory?

Type: Unique

Favored By: (not slime food)

About: Within the crumbling walls of the Ancient Ruins, small traces of energy can be found, never staying in one place for very long. Called echoes, they are believed to be a phenomenon resulting from some kind of ancient event. Since they are harmless, echoes are often collected by ranchers as good luck charms or used as decorations. Echoes appear regularly in the nooks and crannies of the Ancient Ruins, as well as from extractors.

On the Ranch: Echoes can be used as decorations. Simply vac them up and shoot them anywhere you want. They’ll hover in that spot until you vac them up.


Slime Toys




内容:スライムのおもちゃには、様々な形があり、近くのスライムのストレスを減らします。スライム農場コロニー(飼育スペース:Corral)1つにつき、1つのおもちゃを入れることをおすすめします。 それぞれのスライムには最適なおもちゃがあります。ラルゴスライムはどんなおもちゃも好むでしょう。



Never quit playing around.

Type: Unique

Favored By: (Varies by slime)

About: Slime toys come in a variety of forms, and all reduce slime agitation of any nearby slimes, so it’s a good idea to toss one in a corral for slimes to enjoy. Each slime has a favorite toy, which reduces their agitation even more. A largo will favor either of its types.

The soothing quality of slime toys do not stack, so while you don’t need more than one in a corral, it certainly doesn’t hurt anything either!




Posted by 管理人