【12月9日】追加購入DLC「Howling Peaks」はHero Editionに含まれないんかい!|マインクラフトダンジョンズ・ハウリングピークス


マインクラフトダンジョンズ(Minecraft Dungeons)の第三弾(2020/12/9)アップデート「Howling Peaks(ハウリングピークス)」は、新しいステージと6つのエンチャントなどが追加される予定で、Hero Edition購入者である私は、追加で700円支払って購入、ゲームを再起動したら遊べるようになりました。


Howling Peaks

Hero Edition(ヒーローエディション)を購入していると、新しいDLC「Howling Peaks」以外にも「Jungle Awaken」や「Creeping Winter」などジャングルと冬のダンジョンステージも追加されます。


Howling Peaksは追加購入しないと遊べなかったです!


Season Passを買えば全部のDLCを今後も遊べる

シーズンパスを購入すれば今後のDLCも全て無料になるそうです。Hero Editionは関係ありませんでした。



Peanut butter and jelly. Macaroni and cheese. Popcorn and pickle juice (trust me on this one). Each one of those things is great on its own, but even better when you combine them together. That’s exactly how I feel about today’s Minecraft Dungeons news. On one hand, we’re announcing the newest DLC to the Dungeons family: Howling Peaks. On the other hand, we have our newest DLC bundle with the Season Pass. Both are fantastic news individually, but together? That’s a recipe for success.

The Howling Peaks DLC is an action-packed trek to the mountain top that features dazzling new armour, weapons, and artifacts. Of course, new enemies such as the Squall Golem and Mountaineer await along the way as well – no one said it would be easy! Atop it all is the source of the stormy conflict, the Tempest Golem that has been corrupted by a shard from the Orb of Dominance. There are many new features and foes that we’ll be highlighting up until the release, so keep an eye on our dedicated Minecraft Dungeons Twitter handle for behind the scenes looks.

With the Season Pass, you’ll have access to the next four DLCs as soon as they become available, including Howling Peaks! Plus, you’ll get them at a discount compared to purchasing each separately. Each DLC will include new levels, unique items, new parts of the story, and even more puzzles and mysteries to unlock! Don’t miss a beat with the Season Pass.

Of course even if you don’t purchase the Howling Peaks DLC or the Season Pass, there is always new, free content for you to enjoy. With this update you will get six free enchantments, all of which have the potential to totally change the way you play the game!

The free update, the Howling Peaks DLC, and the new Season Pass are all available on December 9! To learn more about these offers and how to get the DLC pack for your platform of choice, visit the Minecraft Dungeons website.



  • 新しいアップデート「ハウリングピークス」始まるよ
  • Squall Golemというモンスターいるよ
  • Mountaineerという敵がいるよ
  • 6つのエンチャントが無料でも追加










Posted by 管理人