
- 1. Starmailを全部日本語訳しました!
- 2. 1.Life is different now
- 3. 2.London
- 4. 3.Coming Home
- 5. 4.Africa
- 6. 5.New Year’s Eve
- 7. 6.Slime Enrichment Devices Now on Sale
- 8. 7.Chroma Packs Now Available
- 9. 8.the… VAN
- 10. 9.The Death hike
- 11. 10.The Big storm
- 12. 11.The 7Zee Rewards Club
- 13. 12.helloooo
- 14. 13.(no subject)
- 15. 14.Hiya Beatrix!
- 16. 15.My pet cactus
- 17. 16.Salutations, Ms. LeBeau
- 18. 17.Welcome to the Range Exchange!
- 19. 18.Rise and shine!
- 20. 19.Welcome to the Far, Far Range
- 21. 20.Another tour
- 22. 21.Hello there!
- 23. 22.Thank you for Your Contribution
- 24. 23.Partnership?
- 25. 24.(no subject)
- 26. システム要件
1.Life is different now
I had a year to think about things while you slept on your way across the stars. I think it almost scared me when things got easier, and when I finally realized that what we each have now is what we wanted all along. Because if you’re still the girl that know, you’re happy out there on the very farthest frontier.
And I hope the happiness you feel now lasts forever. I hope that the sunsets over there are as gorgeous as they are over here and that if you search far enough on a rainy day some rancher out there has a taco stand you can visit. I realize that last one probably isn’t likely to happen but it sure would be romantic, right?
I’m glad to have shared a part of me with you, Beatrix LeBeau. And I’m happy to know that maybe one of those stars I see up there in the sky is you.
I know, it was the right thing to do. I appreciate you letting me know, but it never felt the same as having you close by. London was an opportunity couldn’t pass up, an opportunity to tour and do what love.
But I still missed you like crazy. And when you told me aboutgoing to the Far, Far Range it made me miss you even more, even before you were gone.
I guess that’s just us: what we really want just so happens to be in different parts of the known universe. I mean, there’s long distance and then there’s being so far away that time itself might actually function differently. Why aren’t there more songs about that, huh?
3.Coming Home
The year we both came home, do you think it ever could have worked? I mean, being with you again every day instead of the long distance thing, that was great.I remember feeling really happy, but something was missing. We both knew that we were giving something up for it all.
I think about it all the time. That if we had been less honest about it all how you might still be running that little garden shop and I’d still be trying to write music out of a basement.
It doesn’t matter. I should have told you then what I never did. I should have said it a hundred times.
P.S. チンパンジーの名前はバナナ大佐だったの覚えてる?
Thanks, Bea. I never knew you felt that way, picture you out there on a safari, avoiding the clutches of lions on the savanna, riding elephants across raging rivers, and then, as you sit under the stars at night, your weathered hand opens up a locket and there’s a picture of me inside. And then your loyal chimpanzee companion gives you a somber, knowing look.
ls that accurate? haha
Well, for what it’s worth I missed you too when I was in LA. Uuugh, that bar was just awful, but at least got some stage time.
– Casey
P.S. The chimp’s name was Colonel Bananas.
5.New Year’s Eve
Do you remember New Year’s Eve when we were looking for that party?
While we were wandering around the city, lost, got my bearings and didn’t tell you because I knew we were close to that coffee shop run by the tyrant. And since it was starting to rain thought it would be really romantic to stumble across the place again. I guess I finally found the courage.
But the coffee shop went out of business and it was a taco place now. So, we ate tacos in the rain and it was just the best thing.
We were on the roof of your old apartment hoping to see the fireworks. I was going to tell you something then but that’s when you told me about Africa. It sounded like an amazing trip. I was really happy you were doing what you loved to do.
6.Slime Enrichment Devices Now on Sale
Slime toys can now be purchased from the shop we have……just……. installed……. Of……. your….. ranch. Please excuse the excessive pauses in that last sentence, but our technician drones may have needed extra time for the installation and we did not wish for our claim to be inaccurate.
The 7Zee Corporation: giving robots time to do their job right, one sentence at a time.
7.Chroma Packs Now Available
The 7Zee Corporation would like to congratulate you on obtaining the rank of Skylark I. With this rank you now have access to a new avenue of creative self-expression: Chroma Packs.
Chroma Packs allow you to apply new color schemes to your ranch house, vac-pack, and ranch tech, allowing you to stand out from all the other ranchers on the Far, Far, Range. And while we realize that most slime ranchers never even see another rancher given geographic separation between rancher properties, we have a feeling that they know. Oh yes, they know.
Please also note that by the time you have likely read this message, the 7Zee Corporation has already installed a Chroma Pack terminal just outside your home.
The 7Zee Corporation: Covertly installing machines outside your home quickly… and reliably.
8.the… VAN
P.S. いや、それはうそだった。私たちがそれを運転している間、ワゴンに火がついたっけ。それはバイキングのようになくなったんだった。
Haha, it wasn’t THAT bad. You just don’t have the fortitude to make it as an artist, I guess, Beatrix LeBeau can climb a mountain before breakfast but can’t spend a few days in a *ahem* modestly accommodated, breaks-down-only-half-the-time, VINTAGE touring van. You were so miserable, still laugh about it.
But I really did appreciate it for those few days. It was great to have you in the crowd.
That van still runs by the way.
P.S. That was a lie. The van literally caught on fire while we were driving it. It died like a viking.
9.The Death hike
Do you remember when you took me hiking? I still didn’t know how serious you were about the whole outdoors thing then and your idea of a hike just about killed mell showed up in normal clothes and shoes and you were decked out and had a pack and gear, it was a nightmare for me, haha.
I think it was around the five mile mark, when I was drenched in sweat and ready to collapse that realized our ideas of fun were two very different things. Also you weren’t even out of breath then and still totally hate you for that:)
10.The Big storm
I got your mail; of course remember that day. I feel like that was when you and really connected. It was raining so hard that the streets were flooding and we took shelter in that cafe. It was like a scene from a movie only we both looked like wet animals. And the guy running the shop was a real tyrant. The only way we could stay inside was by ordering one coffee after another.
I felt like we learned more about each other that day than ever. Maybe it was the coffee because we were both talking really, really fast. I told you about my dreams; making music and all that. At least that’s how I remember it.
Walking home, when the rain came back you got closer to me and my heart was racing. But I couldn’t blame that on the coffee.
11.The 7Zee Rewards Club
7Zeeコーポレーションは、あなたに特別な「7Zee Rewards Club!」への招待状を送ります。
7Zee Rewards Clubは、超特別価格で特別な高級クラブランクを提供します。
We look forward to your enrollment.
The 7Zee Corporation: Offering you a path to to greatness, one large sum of newbucks at a time.
拝啓 にわとりさんんんん。
13.(no subject)
モチ・マイルズ トップランチャーより
Well, well it seems like another wanna be rancher has signed up for a lonely existence on a faraway space rock, Congrats Beatrix!
I’m Mochi Miles. That’s 'Miles’ as in Tatsuya Miles, the billionaire. I’m here to do important business for my dad but that doesn’t mean won’t make all the rest of these backwater types out here look bad in the process. No one conquers the plort market like I do: day in, day out.
My dad gives me the inside track so look forward to my requesting plorts that know will make me huge profits later on.
So I wish you the best of luck, Beatrix. Maybe you’ll even reach second place! And at the very least you can tell your friends that you helped out the great Mochi Miles in her conquest of the Far, Far Range!
Later, tater.
Mochi Miles, Top Rancher
14.Hiya Beatrix!
P.S. – 金めっきされたしょうがをみたことがありますか? それは神話的な野菜で、色の似ている金スライムの好物だと言われています。しかし、どちらも存在しないと言う人もいるので、時間があったら探してみてね。
The name’s Ogden Ortiz. I’m a slime rancher much like yourself but mostly fancy myself as a farmer. I came to the Far, Far Range to grow fruits and veggies the way we used to back on earth: by getting down into the soil and getting your hands dirty.
Did you know that carrots improve your night vision? Yeah, seriously, they do! I don’t see why all ranchers aren’t just gobbling them down every chance they get. Being lost out on the range at night can be so dangerous.
Well don’t let me ramble on ya here. We’ll be in touch via the Range Exchange. I tend to only raise slimes that eat fruits and veggies, so expect those kinds of requests from me.
Lookin forward to doing business with ya!
P.S. – Ever hear of gilded ginger? It’s a mythical veggie that is said to be the favorite food of the equally mythical gold slime. But some say that neither of them actually exist!
15.My pet cactus
I bought a cactus from you, sort of. When I came back home it was one of the only things left in your shop. Was a lonely little guy so I decided to adopt it.
You know I kill every plant touch, but promise you this one will last. I mean, if I can’t keep a cactus alive then clearly something is really wrong!
When look at it think of you out there on the range, doing your thing. Hope you’re ok.
16.Salutations, Ms. LeBeau
P.S. – 以前、野生の爆発スライムから逃げながら、一度私の最も好きなアイテムを失ったことがある。そのアイテムの価値はささいなものですが、もしあなたがそれを見つけたら、再生して使ってみてね。
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Viktor Humphries; professional slimerancher, slime scientist, and amateur musician. My understanding is that Ms West has already informed you of how the Range Exchange works so I will spare you any further education.
Instead, I’ll illuminate you on what you can expect from my own requests. As a slime scientist/rancher have a tremendous interest in the liquiform legion that we share this vast range with, the slimes.My studies often keep me from venturing out on the range daily and when find myself short of a particular species, I use the Range Exchange to fill that gap. Don’t worry though, I will reimburse wou handsomely for your efforts.
Good luck in your new venture, Ms LeBeau. I look forward to seeing life breathed once again into the former Twillgers Ranch.
Sincerely, Viktor Humphries
P.S. – once lost my most favorite fiddle while fleeing a feral boom slime. Its value is only sentimental but should you find it, I’d very much love to be able to play it again.
17.Welcome to the Range Exchange!
こんにちは、ビアトリクス! 私はソーラ・ウエストです。簡単に自己紹介すると、私はあなたの近くの換金所、ウェルカムワゴン交易所で働いています。
Hi there, Beatrix! The name’s Thora West. I’ll keep my introduction short on account that we all got work to do: I’m along-time rancher here on the Far, Far Range and head of the Welcome wagon for your local Range Exchange.
The Range Exchange is a network of ranchers just like yourself who are looking to trade what they got for what they need: slimes, plorts, food- whatever. All you need to do is check out the Range Exchange machine daily and be sure to get your trade completed by noon.
As more ranchers get added to your network, you should receive a hearty hello from them so check your inbox.
Well, enough jawin,’ we’ve both got slimes to wrangle. Adios, Beatrix.
18.Rise and shine!
一年を通して眠るのはどんな感じですか? あなたは夢見ましたか? それがどういうものなのか想像もできません。7Zeeはあなたをポッドに入れて、真っ暗にするよね。
What’s it like to sleep for a whole year? Did you dream? I can’t imagine what that’s like.7Zee puts you in a pod and and then lights out for all that time. WOW.
What’s the Far, Far Range like? Have you started exploring? Is the air as clear as they say? I bet it’s really beautiful.
I’m probably asking too many questions. I bet you have a lot of work to do on that ranch. I still can’t believe it’s yours now.
I guess better leave you to it and just keep it short: good luck, Bea. If anyone can make it out there, it’s you.
19.Welcome to the Far, Far Range
The 7Zee Corporation would like to welcome you to the Far, Far Range:
And extend our support in your bold new venture as a slime rancher:
(support extended)
We would also like to request that you exercise caution in your first few days on the range. Until you get more familiar with your surroundings, traveling at night is not advisable.
Lastly, should you require any additional tools for your vac-pack or items to make your slime ranching experience easier, the 7Zee Corporation would be pleased to provide them to you from the shop located just outside your ranch house.
The 7Zee Corporation: Providing the tools you need to get the job done, for us, for a small fee.
20.Another tour
There’s another tour coming up and I have a feeling that this will be the one.
So here I am, packing my bags and thinking of you. Maybe this is how it felt when you were leaving for your big adventure, Lots of excitement, lots of butterflies.
And even though know you’re so far away, keep thinking that maybe I’ll catch you somewhere out there in the crowd.
If that ever happens, I promise I’ll sing a song for you. It wouldn’t be the first time.
21.Hello there!
スライム牧場のお世話をしてくれていることにお礼が言いたいです。さらに、まだやることが少し残っていることも知っています。聞いている限りでは、素晴らしい成果が得られていると思います。 あなたに作業してもらえて、安心していられるのはとてもうれしいです。
あなたは冒険が素晴らしいのと同じくらい、私のことを知っているでしょう。今となっては私には、その金庫がどこにあるのかは分かりません。 探検に行ってみてください!
I just wanted to say thanks for taking care of the ol’ ranch. know left it in a bit of a sorry state and from what hear, it’s lookin mighty fine these days. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that it’s in such good hands.
As a little thank you, I’ve activated three secret vaults that I built years ago to stash a small fortune of mine. I had always planned on using it as Walking around money in the great beyond, but I ain’t needing for that no more.
But you know me, like a good adventure. I’m not telling where the vaults are located. Go explore!
22.Thank you for Your Contribution
We at the 7Zee Corporation are absolutely taken aback by your commitment to the 7Zee Rewards Club. You have achieved the highest possible rank currently available to rewards club members; congratulations.
Having no further ranks or rewards to offer you at this time, we have elected to make a substantial charitable contribution in your name to the International Association for Otter Awareness. Because of your efforts, more people Will be aware of Otters than ever before.
The 7Zee Corporation: creating systems that enable ranchers to purchase rewards that result in charity that raise otter awareness… one smile at a time.
– The 7Zee Corporation
あなたはあなたらしく生きているようにみえます。私はそんなあなたのライフスタイルが好きなので、少し協力させてほしいと思っています。私は離れた場所にあなたのスライム牧場と似たような牧場を持っています。そこには、おいしくて希少なフルーツがあり、The Wilds(ザ・ワイルド)と呼ばれています。原始的なフェラルスライムがいますが、これまでにない新しい土地に行ける唯一の牧場です。
You seem to be making a name for yourself and I like your style so let me cut right to the chase: I’d like to offer you a job doing a little side Work for me. I’ve got a chunk of land on the outskirts of my property that has access to a place called The Wilds, a land of primitive, feral slimes and dangerous as all get out, but also home to a delicious, rare fruit that I love.
If you’re up for a challenge come on down to a little retreat of mine near The Wilds and learn more. I found a derelict teleporter on your network that I’ve activated on your ranch; it’ll take you right to it.
Hope to see youthere!
24.(no subject)
Mochi Miles
The other ranchers won’t shut up about you and it’s starting to get annoying. So let’s see what all the fuss is about.
I’d like to talk business with you. So I went ahead and activated a spare teleporter in that horrible cave you call a ranch expansion. The teleporter will take you to my estate (I have others too) where we can work out the details.
Don’t keep me waiting.
See ya there, square.
Mochi Miles, Top Rancher
・OS: Windows XP(SP3)+
・プロセッサー: 2.2GHz Dual Core
・メモリー: 4 GB RAM
・グラフィック: 512MB VRAM
・DirectX: Version 9.0c
・ストレージ: 1 GB 利用可能
OS: OSX 10+
プロセッサー: 2.2GHz Dual Core
メモリー: 4 GB RAM
グラフィック: OpenGL 3.2 compatible, 512 MB VRAM
ストレージ: 1 GB 利用可能