





The Ranch


ビアトリクスは、ドライリーフとして知られる遠い宇宙の星(Far, Far Range)の真ん中にある小さなスライム牧場で彼女の新しい人生をスタートしました。伝説のスライム牧場経営者で有名なホブソン・トゥイリガース(Hobson Twiligers)の財産でもあるこの家は、ホブソンがいなくなってしまう前に、より良い日々が訪れるのを楽しみにしていました。




A distant home for distant hearts.

Beatrix begins her life on a humble ranch in the middle of an area of the Far, Far Range known as the Dry Reef. Once the property of the legendary slime rancher and notorious old codger, Hobson Twiligers, the ranch has seen better days, as Hobson let it come into a state of disrepair shortly before disappearing completely.

Hobson’s whereabouts are currently unknown.



The Dry Reef


スライム牧場周辺の環境はドライリーフ(Dry Reef)と呼ばれ、乾燥した風が吹き荒れる土地だ。何千年もの間に風化されて崖や岩の多い土地になっています。





A coral-crusted ocean floor that now basks under a golden sun.

The environment surrounding the ranch is known as the Dry Reef and is an arid, wind-swept land covered industy crags and rocky cliffs shaped by the wind over the millennia.

The Dry Reef is primarily home to pink, tabby, and rock slimes though phosphor slimes will also come out of hiding when the sunsets. The Dry Reef’s climate doesn’t make for an abundance of any particular resource, but plenty of carrots, pogo fruit, and hen hens are everywhere, as well as some less common resources if you know where to look.



The Indigo Quarry

All that remains of a mining project that quickly went bust.

The Indigo Quarry is a winding network of caves and cliffs, striated with deep purple hues from the rare minerals found within it. It was once the site of a mining project but went bust after the discovery that the rare ores it produces quickly break down in atmospheres other than that of the Far, Far Range.

It was later discovered that the means to harness these metals was via rock slime plorts. Somehow, rock slime plorts preserve the minerals within, a process that eludes ,even the most prestigious slime scientists.

The Indigo Quarry is a natural home for rock slimes and the Slime Keys more elusive rad slime, and its naturally mineral-rich soil make it a great place to harvest most wild veggies.



The Moss Blanket

Like a flower blooming from a rocky crack, this emerald expanse hints at what could be.

The Moss Blanket is an island covered in a thick layer of moss where flora grows wild in great, tangling knots at every turn. The high walls of the cliffs surrounding the island and its great canopy of trees allow for sea mists to pass in and become trapped, creating a unique climate within the otherwise arid range.

The slimes primarily found within the Moss Blanket find its jungle-like conditions perfect: tabby and boom slimes hunt their prey through the thickets with abandon, and honey slimes lounge in the flower beds, eating the great abundance of fruit that can be found at every turn.



The Ancient Ruins

All that is lost is eventually found, and lost once more.

Hidden behind a vast mountain range, the Ancient Ruins stand as one of the few known unnatural structures on the Far, Far Range. Their origin remains a mystery, as do the strange occurences that happen within.

Home to quantum slimes that seem to express many other possible realities of their being, and phase lemon trees that do not remain in one time or place for very long, the Ancient Ruins defy logic and expectation.

Only one thing is certain in the Ancient Ruins: within its deepest chambers lies its greatest secret.



The Glass Desert







Under a blistering sun, prismatic giants evoke beauty and peril.

The Glass Desert is mostly uncharted territory within the Far, Far Range, located so far beyond the ranch it is only accessible via teleportation.

The Glass Desert gets its name from the monolithic glass structures that dot its landscape. Resembling prismatic, frozen flames, these glass structures are believed to have been created during a violent solar event, scorching the land and heating sand and stone into glass. These glass structures are also believed to be the catalyst for the dangerous solar anomalies that regularly occur in the Glass Desert: firestorms that burst from the ground, as if intense heat is desperate to escape the ground below.

But the desert’s barren, unforgiving, sometimes violent environment hides a secret: somewhere deep within it lies a memory of what once was, and a means of restoring parts of that memory.



The Slime Sea






An expansive body of water and slime compound that’s not fit for swimming let alone drinking.

The Slime Sea that covers most of the Far, Far Range is something of a mystery. It is seemingly a mixture of water and slime that is believed to be the primordial pool whence all slimes emerged, though its true purpose is entirely unknown by even the most esteemed slime scientists.

What is known is that the liquid found within the Slime Sea is not fit for drinking, watering crops, or even swimming, as most things seem to quickly sink to the bottom. When a slime enters the slime sea it quickly vanishes but it is widely believed that this far from ends the slime’s existence, for slimes that enter the sea can often be seen quickly reappearing back on land, happy as ever. In fact, many slime scientists believe that slimes use the sea as a means of transportation, moving swiftly below the surface and popping out on land wherever they see fit.

But all theories aside, one fact remains very clear, most especially to ranchers: don’t enter the Slime Sea!




A nice place to visit, if Mochi ever lets you.

The Nimble Valley is a wholly-owned property of Mochi Miles and the only known habitat of the exceedingly rare quicksilver slimes.

Mochi uses a complex system of proprietary electrical generators to call quicksilver slimes out from hiding and then a modified vacpack to feed them charges of electrical energy. The Nimble Valley is also rigged with a series of warptech satellites that instantly transfer quicksilver plorts into a rancher’s vac tank, because according to Mochi, having to vac up plorts manually “is for chumps."



Slime Keys




An ancient key for an ancient lock.

Slime Keys are large, stone keys that are used to open the ancient slime gates across the range. These gates often lead to new areas to explore or create shortcuts to familiar ones.





Posted by 管理人