【Mochi’s Megabucks】次のアップデート内容を先に日本語訳したよ【スライムランチャーVer1.2.0】









参考:Mochi miles=モチ・マイルズ

Mochi’s Megabucks Update will be coming to Slime Rancher early March!

In this update you’ll be able to race through the Nimble Valley alongside the lightening-fast quicksilver slimes! Be sure to practice your running and shooting, because these speedy slimes are always in a rush.



Nimble Valleyの開発中のスナップショットを少しだけ公開するよ!
Here are some more in-development shots of the Nimble Valley: 



Slime RancherのMochi Megabucks Update内容と、開発ロードマップについては、こちらをご覧ください。

編集2/20/18:やぁ、牧場主たち! スライムランチャーの本部が引っ越ししたので、Mochi Megabucks Updateのリリースが遅れます。 私たちは、Nimble ValleyとリフレッシュされたRush Modeに最期の仕上げをし、新しいSlime Rancherアップデートは3月初めを予定しています!


Read more about Mochi’s Megabucks Update and what else we’re adding to Slime Rancher in our Development Roadmap.

Edit 2/20/18: Hey ranchers! The move to our new office has delayed the release of Mochi’s Megabucks Update. We’re putting the finishing touches on the Nimble Valley and the refreshed Rush Mode and expect the new Slime Rancher update to launch early March!

Questions? Need to yell about the hype from the top of mountain? Tweet us @MonomiPark




Nimble Valley

Quicksilver Slime Plortsで市場を管理するMochi Milesと提携! Miles Corp所有財産であるNimble Valleyを探索し、あなたの上司になるTHE Mochi Milesのユニークな報酬を獲得しましょう。

Nimble Valleyでの経験は、Slime Rancherにとってこれまでにない特別なものになっています。数十匹のすばらしいスライムの群れに特殊なエサをあげようとすると、シルバースライムは嬉しすぎて谷全体を通したアクション満載のレースが勝手に始まります。

Partner with Mochi Miles in a STRICTLY BUSINESS capacity to corner the market on quicksilver slime plorts! Explore the Nimble Valley, a wholly-owned property of Miles Corp, and earn unique rewards from your boss, THE Mochi Miles.

The experience in the Nimble Valley is very different from anything else in Slime Rancher, offering an action-packed race through the valley as you attempt to feed a herd of dozens of quicksilver slimes with blasts of electric charges.



Quicksilver Slimes
なぜ世界の他の国々はすばらしいシルバースライムについて知らないのでしょうか?それはMochi Milesの所有する土地にしかいないからです。その土地が彼女のものだったのは偶然か、はたまたMochi Milesが独占したのでしょうか。
Why doesn’t the rest of the world know about quicksilver slimes? Why are they ONLY located in the Miles-owned Nimble Valley? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.



Rush Mode



The 5-Day Rush is getting an overhaul, including a name change! Rush Mode shares the same goal as the 5DR in that it’s a race to get as many newbucks as you can in a limited period of time. However, Rush Mode introduces a variable time limit, that can be extended through smart, efficient play. It will also feature a few bonus offerings out on the range to encourage mixing up ranching with exploring.

Please note that while we expect high scores to completely change, 5DR world records posted online will be preserved as Rush Mode scores will be distinguishable.








Posted by 管理人